As everyday, we see the access to the underwater world become evermore easier, the modern day diver also faces challenges that were absent in the past.
The time to focus on ownership of your equipment and maintenance has never been more necessary, as it is of today.
Dive shops across the globe has followed a very standard process of cleaning gear since the old days. But with the onset of COVID-19, we are required to follow a more stringent standard of operation, cleanliness and post-dive care of gear.
What goes inside your second stage?
Being used underwater everyday, your regulator's Second Stage goes through a lot. From salt water, dry air, moisture from your exhalation to saliva and other discharges from your mouth.
Have you ever wondered, what goes inside the Second Stage of your regulator system, that has been used for a while in such conditions?

A Second Stage, even before the pandemic situation, required regular maintenance and care, as you can see from the above picture.
A dive shop that offers good service believes in providing their clients with clean systems, even prior to the pandemic's existence.
But with the advent of COVID-19, the standards of cleaning has become more stringent and important after every use.
So let's look at the various ways we can focus on the right ways to sanitise and clean your gear post-dive.
Cleaning Solutions
Bleach Solution - Common household bleach, marketed under different brands and with variable percentages (5-10%) of its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, is among the products able to neutralize the virus. It is important to read the product label carefully, check the percentage of active ingredient, and dilute it in water in the right measure. Recent scientific studies suggest a 1:50 dilution of bleach containing 5% of sodium hypochlorite (final concentration of 0.1% or 1,000 ppm of active ingredient), with complete immersion of the objects for at least 5 minutes, is effective in killing the virus. SCUBAPRO's R&D test lab results can be downloaded here.
Heat - WHO guidelines state the virus loses its effectiveness when heated to 56°C for 15 minutes. So, immersion of SCUBA gear in 56°C water for 15 minutes would be effective in eliminating and disinfecting our gear. However, keep in mind, not all gear is made to handle temperatures of that caliber, for example your mask, second stage internal diaphragms etc. So be careful when using hot water for cleaning.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds - WHO's Laboratory biosafety guidance related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): interim recommendations, recommends usage of cleaning solutions that contain quats or quaternary ammonium compounds. However, these components are harmful to the environment and must be carefully used and disposed of.
You can find guidelines for disinfection from DAN here.
Post Cleaning Storage
Post cleaning, care must be taken in-order to avoid your equipment to further come in contact with the virus.
Dry your gear in shade with plenty of airflow and store in a cool dry place, away from any contact from others.

A nifty little bag for storage of your regulator along with your mask and instruments is Travel Reg Bag Vintage 10L.
The idea of clean varies from person to person. But still, the basic idea of cleanliness and sanitation remains the same - void of contaminants and infectious pathogens.
Considering the logistical complications involved in maintenance and care of shop equipment, no matter the amount and effort, there will be a degree of compromise in what you receive as rental at the end of the day.
The bottom line would come down to ownership and regular care, using the guidelines stipulated by professional medical agencies such as DAN.
So take an educated call on what suits you best and follow safety guidelines to the utmost to keep, you and your friends/family safe! :)